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 Stop in my mind

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Nombre de messages : 115
Age : 30
Localisation : Reims
Humeur : in love de louly
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2008

Stop in my mind Empty
MessageSujet: Stop in my mind   Stop in my mind Icon_minitimeMer 2 Avr - 19:33

Can you feel...
Can You feel...
Can you feel the song

Can you feel the song
Can you feel my passion
Can you understand
The feeling in my mind
Do you hear my voice
The rythm in your head
So you understand
The feeling in my mind

Can you feel the song
Do you feel my voice

Can you feel the sound
Can you feel my passion
Can you understand
The feeling in my mind
Do you hear my voice
The rythm in your head
So you understand
The feeling in my mind

Can you feel...
Can You feel...
Can you feel the sound

Can you feel the sound
The song
Can you feel the sound
The song

Can you feel the sound
Can you feel my passion
Can you understand
The feeling in my mind
Do you hear my voice
The rythm in your head
So you understand
The feeling in my mind
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Stop in my mind
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